Each year students in Advanced Drama have the opportunity to participate in several productions and events, some even outside the classroom. A typical day in Advanced Drama starts out with stretching on stage, a daily reading (typically from Shakespeare), and then a progression into whatever is planned for that day. Students must bring a binder, weekly calendar, readings, and a production sheet every Friday for a grade. A "production sheet" is a piece of paper you hand into your production leader, telling them what your production was (productions can be anything from sweeping, cleaning the fridge, manning the answering machine, to keeping up the costume closet or being a part of the student written One-Act). Production groups are headed by four of the current drama officers (President, Vice President, and the Stagecraft Officer do not get a group.) The people in these groups are chosen each year and stay together until the last day. There are several events that Advanced Drama participates in each year, including:
The Jug and Rose Race
Improvs at Twilight
Duo Acting
Solo Acting
The Spring Show
The Mother Lode Drama Festival (MLDF)
The Servant of Two Masters: This year's Spring Show was a classic Commedia Dell'Arte by Carlo Goldoni, The Servant of Two Masters. The lead roles, Truffaldino and Beatrice, were played by Sophomore Josh Lewis, Junior Mac Cockerham, Senior Lauren Lee, and Senior and Drama Club President, Jenni Knight. The Servant of Two Masters opened on Friday, March 4, and closed on Friday, March 11.
Advanced Drama:
Each of these events require different levels of participation. The top three female and male chosen at Solo Acting and the top three duo partners chosen at Duo Scenes will be able to compete and participate against other schools in the Mother Lode Drama Festival or MLDF. Each year in May at MLDF schools, including in recent years Argonaut High School, Calaveras High School, Roosevelt School of the Arts, Irvington High School, and many others, come from across Northern California to the Amador High School campus to compete at Solo Acting, Duo acting, One-Act plays, and Vocal. Before this can happen though, the Spring Show will be put on. Each year during summer the Spring Show is chosen (in past years very famous shows like Anne Frank and Pride and Prejudice have been done, and some not so famous like Kiss and Tell). During the second semester this show will be cast. A MANDATORY 8 Saturday workday hours are required to help build sets and make props and 4 Tuesday costume hours are required as well. At the end of each year the students get to celebrate what they want in a show by putting on the Revue. Revue is a variety show with a run time of just one school week, excluding Wednesday. Students will write original skits, cover songs, play instruments, dance, and showcase their many talents. On the final night Senior Awards will be given out to those seniors who participated.